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$18.44  $11.06

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  • 1000 Units in Stock
  • Location:Lynwood, California
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  • Condition:New
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Tejocotex Raiz de Tejocote<br>100's de Clientes Satisfechos<br>Fast Free Shipping<br>Envio GRATIS<br>Pierde Peso<br>100% Natural<br>Para 3 Meses<br>Resultados Rapidos<br>Perfect for Weight Loss<br>Fast Results<br>3 Month Supply<br>Best Offers<br>Ahorra Mas<br>98% +<br>Raiz de Tejocote Root 90 Dias<br>Tejocotex Tejocote Root for 3 Months 100% AUTENTICO IGUAL QUE MARCA MAS VENDIDA SAME AS LEADING BRAND -<br>POSITIVE REVIEWS<br>Tejoxotex es la<br>Raiz pura de Tejocote<br>para ayudarte a Perder Peso. GARANTIZADA 100% Original y Autentica con la Misma Calidad y Resultados que la Marca mas Vendida. No Pages mas solo por el Nombre, el llegar a tu meta de perdida de peso es Mucho mas Facil! Solo tomas 1 porcion diaria despues del desayuno con mucha agua durante todo el dia y pierdes peso, pulgadas y grasa en el cuerpo de una forma 100% Natural. Cada botella contine<br>90 dosis<br>.<br>English:<br>Tejoxotex<br>Tejocote root<br>is an all-natural root to help reaching your weight loss goals a whole lot easier. With just 1 piece per day (and lots of water), it can help break down fat, lose weight and inches in an all-natural way.<br>​​​​​​​SAME ROOT - BETTER PRICE<br>BUY 2+ AND SAVE INSTANTLY<br>Compra 2 o mas y Ahorras Mas!<br>GUARANTEED 100% TEJOCOTE ROOT<br>FREE USA Shipping<br>Pierde Peso<br>Tejocotex te ayuda a perder peso naturalmente sin rebote.<br>Weight Loss<br>Tejocote Root helps with natural weight control by improving your metabolism.<br>The Tejoxotex Story by Innovacion Natural<br>We know you have choices and we Very Much appreciate you choosing us for all your Tejocote Needs. Top reasons to shop with us:<br>We believe Healthy Weight Shouldn't be a luxury - Tejocotex is Just trying to bring you a BETTER Price on the Same Root.<br>We Guarantee it's the SAME Pure Tejocote Root with the Same Quality.<br>Gracias por preferirnos para comprar Raiz Tejocote<br>Nosotros pensamos que llegar a un Peso Saludable no deberia ser un Lujo. Tejocotex te trae la Misma Raiz de Tejocote a un Precio mas accessible.<br>Misma Raiz Mejor Precio<br>​​​​​​​SAME ROOT - BETTER PRICE<br>30 Day Supply also Available Click Here - 30 Dias Disponible Aqui<br>How to Use Tejoxotex<br>Como se Usa la Raiz de Tejocote<br>Contact Us<br>Shipping and Returns<br>How to Use Tejoxotex<br>Como se Usa la Raiz de Tejocote<br>Contact Us<br>Shipping and Returns<br>How to Use Tejoxotex Tejocote Root:<br>Take one piece of Tejoxotex Tejocote root in the morning with breakfast (you can just swallow it like a pill) with plenty of water or drink of your choice. If you do not usually eat breakfast you may take it with lunch. Do not take on an empty stomach.<br>For Best Results:<br>Drink plenty of water during the day (At least 8-10 eight ounce cups per day) and consume food rich in potassium (bananas, tomato sauce, dark green veggies) to avoid muscle aches and pains. If you'd like you can use a great potassium supplement like<br>KPlentish<br>.<br>Anything else I should know:<br>The first couple of days you will likely be going #2 more often or may experience stomach upset an gas. This is to be expected in the detoxing phase but it's only the first few days.  Also if you don't have enough potassium and water in your diet you may experience some slight muscle aches and pains. These get fixed quickly by just following the above recommendation to increase your water and potassium rich food.<br>One last thing.. Alipotec is not recommended for individuals over 70 or under 18, anyone that has had gastric surgery or currently has colitis or ulcers, pregtnant or nursing women or anyone with a nut allergy.<br>Como se Usa Tejoxotex Raiz de Tejocote:<br>Tomar una micro dosis diaria con alimentos, preferentemente por la mañana con el desayuno. Si no acostumbra desayunar entonces se puede tomar a la hora de la comida. Nunca tomar en ayunas. Se toma como si fuera una pastilla con agua o cualquier liquido.<br>Para Mejores Resultados:<br>•Beber 8 vasos de agua al dia (2 litros)  dos litros de agua diariamente como mínimo.<br>•Comer